Monday, March 29, 2010

Today as it is... 29032010

Just read Dr. M's blog today titles - Has Terrorism Succeded - a bonus question with a million answer without any definite Yes or No. In FB itself more than 90 comments (last check) were posted. Everyone has their own opinion and that is freedom to express... so to speak.

I don't know!! Heard from one 'ceramah' lately, and it really strikes me.. It says.. the one who says we fight against terrorism is actually fighting to live on but, on the other side, death from this so called war is a death wished by paradise seekers... martyrdom. The way I see this is, if everybody wants to be a martyr, and, they are from both sides... who will win, or loose. If you do it correctly, accordingly and sincerely - you will definitely loose (your life) but wins big rewards in the afterlife...


So, that is today as it is.

ALLAH knows best....

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm 1234567890 mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq - scribling.... nope, I'm just warming up my fingers on the computer keyboard.... Officially creating my personal 'blogspot' today.

Wednesday, 10 Mac 2010 ( 24 Rabiul Awal 1431). First question in mind - should I type in English or menaip dalam bahasa kebangsaan.... well for now I'm in the mood for English.

So.... let's begin (and hope it would not end... :D )